Technology and Society in Digital Era


Technology and Society in Digital Era


            The development of information and communication technology in this era makes technology has a very important role in human life. Since it first appeared until now, information and communication technology and the internet have experienced rapid development and growth, all of which make it easy to support work in all aspects of human life, so that their activities today have been supported and are even highly dependent on technology. The presence and development of information and communication technology has also made its use increasing, which in the end, without realizing it, current information and communication technology also influences the cultural, social and political factors of society. Where today the community is faced with a more dominant virtual reality, which makes the reality in this digital era make private and public spaces increasingly blurred.

Related to that, the term virtual reality (VR) is generally used to refer to an artificial or computer-generated three-dimensional representation of reality, which is experienced through the senses and interactively, that is, where the user's actions determine the course of the interaction. A virtual environment (VE) is a digital space in which the user's movements are tracked and the environment rendered, digitally rearranged and displayed back to the user according to those movements. Interactivity is a key element in virtual reality, much more than in traditional media, so that in the virtual environment the user has a role to play in the medium, and his actions affect how the experience or scenario unfolds in real-time. Furthermore, perceptually, the users will also be surrounded by a virtual environment and their awareness of the real world is minimized. And because the real world sensor input is blocked, it will produce the impression that a person is actually stepping in a virtual environment and creates the illusion of involvement with the artificial world (Gelder, Otte, & Luciano, 2014).

In fact, VR technology is a visualization technique that refers to pure virtual presence, and is currently attracting a lot of attention to improve communication in professional work and shared spaces. Benford dkk. (1998) introduced a classification of shared space based on transportation, artificiality, and spatiality. They can be categorized as media rooms, spatial video conferencing, collaborative virtual environments, telepresence systems, and collaborative augmented environments. Most of them have adopted a different level of VR engagement in recent years. There are many studies showing the positive impact of VR on such adoption. Goedert (2016) developed a virtual interactive construction education platform that provides game-based safety training through the use of simulation and modeling. The advantages of using VR in education and training relate to its ability to allow students to interact with each other in a three-dimensional (3D) virtual environment. 

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